Inner and central tracking with PID (Drift Chambers)


WP Leader:

• Nicola De Filippis


Contact: DRD1-WP2-leaders@cern.ch


Participating institutes:

Laboratoire de Physique des 2 Infinis Irène Joliot-Curie (IJCLab-IN2P3) INFN, Bari (INFN-BA) INFN, Lecce (INFN-LE) INFN, Rome (INFN-RM) US cluster (US) Nankai University (Nankai U.) Tsinghua University (Tsinghua U.) Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IHEP-CAS) Wuhan University (Wuhan U.) Jilin University (Jilin U.) University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IMP-CAS) Bose Institute (Bose)



The project aims to cover strategic R&D towards the development of large-volume drift chambers proposed as tracking and particle identification devices for the next generation of lepton colliders both at FCC-ee (CERN) and at CEPC (IHEP China). Analogous proposals exist for the next generation of flavor factories SCTF (Russia, China) and could easily be adapted for Electron-Ion Colliders. Drift chambers provide high-precision tracking even at low transverse momentum thanks to the high transparency, and excellent particle identification by profiting from the cluster counting information. Key aspects for the R&D challenges are related to the mechanics, the electronics and the choice of gas mixture.



T1: Development of front-end ASIC for cluster counting

  • D1.1: Full design, construction and test of a first prototype of the front-end ASIC for cluster counting


T2: Development of a scalable multichannel DAQ board

  • D2.1: Working prototype of a scalable multichannel DAQ board


T3: Mechanics: new wiring procedures and new endplate concepts

  • D3.1: Conceptual designs of novel wiring procedures.

  • D3.2: Full design of innovative concepts of endplate


T4: Increase rate capability and granularity

  • D4.1: Performance on prototypes of drift cells at different granularities and with different field configurations


T5: Consolidation of new wire materials and wire metal coating

  • D5.1: Construction of a magnetron sputtering facility for metal coating of carbon wires


T6: Study ageing phenomena for new wire types

  • D6.1: Tests of prototypes built with new wire types at beams and irradiation facilities.

  • D6.2: Measurement of performance and dependence on total integrated charge


T7: Optimization of gas mixing, recuperation, purification and recirculation systems

  • D7.1: Performance of hydrocarbon-free gas mixtures full

  • D7.2: Design of a recirculating system


WP2 table
WP2 - a work package on inner and central tracking with PID (Drift Chambers). Area of application: future electron colliders (FCC-ee, CEPC), flavor factories (SCTF).