Work Packages (WPs) will consolidate the activities of institutes with shared research interests in specific areas, including applications (e.g., TPC, Muon Systems, Calorimetry), challenges (e.g. Precise Timing, High Rate, Longevity), technologies (e.g. Resistive Electrodes, Photocathodes), detector technologies (e.g., MPGDs, RPCs, Wires), and Working Group tasks (e.g., electronics, software).

These WPs will actively contribute to the scientific program, R&D environment, infrastructure, and R&D tools within DRD1. Whenever feasible, WPs will integrate activities from the Working Groups (e.g., simulation, electronics). WPs can be initiated at any time and will be internally organized and coordinated by the participating institutes. They will define their scope, deliverables, work plan, and the necessary resources in detail. The participating institutes will have complete control and operational authority over the allocated resources.
Currently envisaged Work Packages include: